Graphics Programs Reference
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How to do it...
1. Put the mouse pointer in the Node Editor window and press Shift + A .
2. In the contextual menu pop-up, go to the Texture item, just under
Shader , and left-click on Wave Texture to add the texture node to the
Node Editor window.
3. Grab and connect the Color yellow output socket of the texture to the yel-
low input socket of the Diffuse shader, the one close to the Color rect-
angle that we had formerly set as a greenish color:
4. In the Wave Texture node, change the Scale value to 8.500 , Distortion
to 12.000 , Detail to a maximum value of 16.000 , and the Detail Scale
value to 6.000 .
5. Now disconnect the texture color output from the Diffuse node and con-
nect it to the color input socket of the Glossy shader:
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