Graphics Programs Reference
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Creating a grass shader
In this recipe, we will create a generic grass shader using grass leaves meshes in-
stanced on a particle system, as shown here:
Getting ready
Start Blender and open the 1301OS_07_grass_start.blend file, where there is
an already set scene with an emitter plane working as light source, an uneven plane
to perform the ground, and several grass leaves objects grouped and instanced on
the ground plane by a particle system.
How to do it...
Let's start by assigning a ground material to the ground plane and with the creation of
the grass shader working on the grass blades meshes to be instanced:
1. Select the ground plane and click on the New button in the Node Editor
window's header or in the Material window to the right. Rename the ma-
terial as ground and set the Color value of the Diffuse shader to R 0.141 ,
G 0.082 , B 0.031 .
2. Select one of the grass leaves objects and again click on the New button
in the Node Editor window's header or in the Material window to the right.
Rename the material as grass .
3. Box-select (press B and drag with the left mouse button pressed) the other
grass leaves object and then press Ctrl + L . In the Make Links pop-up
menu select Material to assign the grass shader to all the selected ob-
4. In the Material window, switch the Diffuse shader with a Mix Shader
node. In the first Shader slot, select a new Mix Shader node and in the
second one, a Glossy BSDF shader node.
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