Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Add a Layer Weight node ( Shift + A | Input | Layer Weight ), rename it
Layer Weight1 , and connect its Fresnel output to the Fac input sockets
of both the Mix Shader1 and Mix Shader2 nodes. Set the Blend factor
to 0.750 .
6. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ): set the Color1 to R 0.400, G
0.458, B 0.500 and the Color2 to R 0.331 , G 0.332 , B 0.266 . Press Shift
+ D to duplicate it and change the Blend Type to Color : connect the out-
put of the Mix node to the Color1 input socket of the Color node and
change the Color2 to R 0.503, G 0.680, B 0.800.
7. Add a Layer Weight node ( Shift + A | Input | Layer Weight ), rename it
Layer Weight2 and connect the Facing output to the Fac input sockets
of both the Mix and Color nodes. Set the Blend factor to 0.700 . Connect
the output of the Color node to the Color input socket of the Diffuse
BSDF shader.
8. Add a Frame ( Shift + A | Layout | Frame ), select all the nodes except for
the Material Output one and then the frame and press Ctrl + P to parent
them. Rename the frame SHADER .
9. Add a Texture Coordinate node ( Shift + A | Input | Texture Coordinate ),
a Mapping node ( Shift + A | Vector | Mapping ), an Image Texture node
( Shift + A | Texture | Image Texture ), and a Musgrave Texture node
( Shift + A | Texture | Musgrave Texture ).
10. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Image Texture node and place the tex-
tures vertically in a column like this from top: Image , Image , and Mus-
grave .
11. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Mapping node two times and place them
in a column at the left side of the texture nodes. Connect the UV output
of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input sockets of the three
Mapping nodes. Connect the Vector output of each one of the Mapping
nodes to the Vector input socket of each one of the textures.
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