Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Add a Texture Coordinate node ( Shift + A | Input | Texture Coordinate ),
a Mapping node ( Shift + A | Vector | Mapping ), two Voronoi Texture
nodes ( Shift + A | Texture | Voronoi Texture ) and a Noise Texture node
( Shift + A | Texture | Noise Texture ).
8. Place the three textures horizontally in a row like this: Voronoi , Voronoi ,
and Noise . Rename the first texture Voronoi Texture1 and the second
one Voronoi Texture2 .
9. Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector
input socket of the Mapping node, and a the Vector output of this latter
to the Vector input sockets of the three texture nodes.
10. Set the Scale of the Voronoi Texture1 node to 38.000 , the Scale of the
Voronoi Texture2 node to 62.300 , and the Scale of the Noise Texture
node to 300.000 .
11. Add three ColorRamp nodes ( Shift + A | Convertor | ColorRamp ) and
connect the Color output of each texture to the Fac input socket of each
ColorRamp node. Rename the first one ColorRamp1 , the second one
ColorRamp2 , and the third ColorRamp3 .
12. Add three Math nodes ( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ) and connect the
color output of each ColorRamp node to the first Value input socket of
each Math node. Set the operation for all the three math nodes to Mul-
tiply and rename the first one Multiply1 , the second one Multiply2 , and
the third Multiply3 . Set the second Value of the Multiply1 and Multiply2
nodes to 1.000 and the second Value of the Multiply3 node to 0.100 .
13. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A | Color | Mix ) and connect the output of the
Multiply1 node to the Color1 input socket and the output of the Multiply2
node to the Color2 input socket; change the Blend Type to Add and the
Fac value to 1.000 . Rename the mix node Add1 .
14. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Add1 node and rename it Add2 ; connect
the output of the Add1 node to the Color1 input socket and the output of
the Multiply3 node to the Color2 input socket of the Add2 node.
15. Add a Math node ( Shift + A | Convertor | Math ), set the operation to Mul-
tiply , and rename it Multiply4 ; connect the output of the Add2 node to
the first Value input socket and set the second Value to 1.000 .
16. Connect the output of the Multiply4 node to the Displacement input
socket of the Material Output node.
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