Graphics Programs Reference
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and the Glossy to the second one. Set the Diffuse Roughness to 0.800 ,
the Glossy color to pure white, and its Roughness to 0.300 .
6. Add two RGB nodes ( Shift + A | Input | RGB ) and a Mix node ( Shift + A |
Color | Mix ); connect the two RGB nodes to the Color1 and Color2 input
sockets of the Mix node and then connect its Color output to the Color
input socket of the Diffuse node.
7. Change the color of the first RGB node to R 0.156 , G 0.113 , B 0.086 and
the color of the second RGB node to R 0.042 , G 0.049 , B 0.029 .
8. Add a Texture Coordinate node ( Shift + A | Input | Texture Coordinate )
and two Mapping nodes ( Shift + A | Vector | Mapping ). Connect the Ob-
ject output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector input sockets
of both the Mapping nodes, then in the second Mapping node change
the Rotation Y value to 90° .
9. Add two Voronoi Texture nodes ( Shift + A | Texture | Voronoi Texture )
and two Wave Texture nodes ( Shift + A | Texture | Wave Texture ); place
them in a column to the side of the Mapping nodes like this: from the top,
first the Voronoi Texture , below it the Wave Texture , below that again
the second Voronoi Texture , and lastly the second Wave Texture .
10. Set the first Voronoi Texture node Coloring to Cells and the Scale to
60.000 ; go to the first Wave Texture and set the Scale to 10.000 , Distor-
tion to 10.000 , Detail to 16.000 , and Detail Scale to 0.300 . Set the Scale
of the second Voronoi Texture node to 10.000 and copy the exact same
values from the first Wave Texture to the second one.
11. Now connect the first Mapping node output to the Vector input sockets
of the two Voronoi Texture nodes and of the first Wave Texture nodes;
connect the output of the second Mapping node to the Vector input sock-
et of the second Wave Texture node.
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