Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Now select all these nodes except for Geometry and press Shift + D to
duplicate them; move them in a row under the preceding nodes.
6. Connect the Position output of the Geometry node to the duplicated
Mapping node and change node's X Location value to -1.200 . Change
the second Gradient texture's type to Quadratic , then go to the second
ColorRamp node and click on the Delete button to erase the middle
black marker; move the white color marker to the extreme right.
7. press Shift + D to duplicate one of the Mix nodes and move it to the right,
after the ColorRamp nodes. Set the Blend Type to Burn and increase
the Fac value to 1.000 . Connect the first ColorRamp color output to the
Color1 input socket and the second ColorRamp color output to the Col-
or2 input socket.
8. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Burn node one more time and connect
the Color output of the first Burn node to the Color1 input socket of the
duplicated node.
9. Add a Frame (press Shift + A and go to Layout | Frame ), select all the
nodes and the frame and press Crtl + P to parent them; rename the frame
as SLOPE .
10. Now press Shift + D to duplicate one of the Mapping nodes (press Alt + P
to unparent it from the frame) and move it under the SLOPE frame. Also,
change its X Location value to -0.600 .
11. Add a Noise node, a Voronoi node, and a Musgrave node (press Shift
+ A and go to Texture ) and place them in a column aside of the Map-
ping node. Set the Noise texture's Scale value to 4.600 . Set the Voro-
noi texture's Coloring value to Cell and the Scale value to 28.700 . Set
the Musgrave texture' type to Ridget Multifractal , the Scale value to
3.500 , Detail to 16.000 , Dimension to 0.900 , Lacunarity to 0.600 ,
Offset to 0.500 , and Gain to 5.000 .
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