Graphics Programs Reference
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ing (PET) tool, randomly select vertexes, and move them up to model the
dunes of the ocean bed. Next, come out of edit mode, smooth using the
Tools panel, and assign a Subdivision Surface modifier at level 2. Re-
name it Ocean_bed .
16. Add a cube, in edit mode subdivide it a couple of times (press W and go to
Subdivide Smooth ). In the Proportional Editing mode and by selecting
vertexes, quickly model a big round rock. Duplicate it three or four times,
rotating and scaling the copies and place them scattered on the ocean
As alternative, just open the
1301OS_05_underwater_start.blend file and use the already
made scene (you, lazy ones!).
How to do it...
First, the easy steps, where we'll append already made materials to re-use them:
1. From the 1301OS_03_rock_procedural.blend file, append the
Rock_procedural_01 material. Select the rocks and assign the just
appended material. Change the two Diffuse colors to R 0.553 , G 0.576 ,
B 0.608 and R 0.567 , G 0.391 , B 0.314 respectively.
2. From the 1301OS_03_ground.blend file, append the ground_01 ma-
terial, select the ocean bed and assign this material.
Now, to the more complex steps:
1. From the 1301OS_05_ocean.blend file, append the ocean_surface
material, select the ocean surface's cube and assign this material. Re-
name it as ocean_surface_under .
2. Go in edit mode, select only the upper faces of the ocean cube. Press
Crtl + I to invert the selection. In the Material window under the Proper-
ties panel, click on the + icon on the right ( Add a new material slot ), re-
name the new material as Null (or whatever makes sense for you), and
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