Graphics Programs Reference
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8. In the Screen lay-out button at the top, switch from Default to Anima-
tion . In the Graph Editor window, press T and go to Linear and press
Shift + E to go to Linear Extrapolation to make the ocean animation con-
stant and continuous.
9. Rename the cube as Ocean_surface .
10. Move the camera below the ocean surface ( Location set to X 20.000 , Y
0.15000 , Z -2.50000 , and Rotation set to X 92° , Y 0° , and Z 90° ) and
then go in Camera view (press 0 from numpad).
11. Add a cube, a UV Sphere, and or whatever other object you want, floating
under the ocean surface. Provide them very simple and colored Diffuse
materials. Also add a big cylinder on the background, close to the end of
the ocean's cube, half immersed in the water and half standing in the air
and assign a simple Diffuse material to it too.
12. Go to the World window, click on Use Nodes , and then click on the little
square with a dot on the right-hand side of the color slot. From the result-
ing menu, select Sky Texture .
13. Select the lamp, click on Use Nodes , and set a yellowish color for the
light ( R 1.000 , G 0.989 , B 0.700 ). Turn it to Sun and set the Size value to
0.010 and the Strength value to 2.500 . Set Rotation values as: X 22° ,
Y -7° , and Z 144° ; as you already know, the location doesn't matter for a
Sun lamp.
14. Go to the Render window and under the Sampling tab set the Clamp
value to 1.00 and the samples to 50 for Preview and 100 for Render .
Under the Light Paths tab, check the No Caustics option.
15. Now add a plane, place it at Z location equal to -5.70000 , and go in
edit mode. Scale it 30 times bigger (press A to select all the geometry,
followed by S , digit 30 , and hit Enter ). Using the Specials menu (press
W ), subdivide the plane five or six times. Activate the Proportional Edit-
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