Graphics Programs Reference
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12. Add a new ColorRamp node, connect the Lighten node output to its Fac
input, and then move the white marker at the middle of the slider and the
black one at a quarter to the right.
13. Add a new Mix node, set the Blend Type to Subtract and the Fac value
to 1.00 , and then connect the ColorRamp color output to the Color1 in-
put and the output of the first Subtract node to the Color2 input socket.
14. Add an RGB to BW node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | RGB to
BW ), a Bump node (press Shift + A and go to Vector | Bump ) and a Dif-
fuse BSDF shader (press Shift + A and go to Shader | Diffuse BSDF ).
15. Connect the last Subtract node output to the RGB to BW node, the out-
put of this one to the Height input of the Bump node and the Normal
output to the Normal input of the Diffuse shader. Set the Bump node's
Strength value to 0.010 , as shown in the following screenshot:
16. Select all these nodes and press Crtl + G , confirm on New , and rename
the group as Foam .
17. Drag the Color output of the last Subtract node on the right-hand side
of the group box to expose it. Do the same with the BSDF output of the
Diffuse shader and press Tab to close the group.
Third - creating the stencil material for the foam location
What we now need is a way to limit the presence of the foam only to the upper parts
of the waves:
1. Add a Gradient texture node (press Shift + A and go to Texture | Gradi-
ent Texture ) and a Voronoi texture node (press Shift + A | Texture |
Voronoi Texture ), select them and press Shift + D to duplicate them.
2. Set both the Gradient node's types to Easing , the Scale value of the first
Voronoi node to 250.000 , and of the second to 50.000 .
3. Add three Mapping nodes (press Shift + A and go to Vector | Mapping ,
then press Shift + D ).
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