Graphics Programs Reference
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Voronoi node's Color output to the Color1 input socket and the second
Voronoi node's Color output to the Color2 input socket of the Difference
16. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Difference node and connect the Color
output of the first one to the Color1 input socket of this duplicated one,
then connect the Color output of the Musgrave Texture node to the Co-
lor2 input socket.
17. Add a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Col-
orRamp ) and connect the output of the second Difference node to its
Fac input socket. Set the ColorRamp interpolation to Ease and move the
black color marker to the middle of the slider.
18. Press Shift + D to duplicate the ColorRamp node, set the interpolation
to B-Spline and move back the black color marker to one-third along the
total length of the slider. Connect the second Difference node's Color
output to the Fac input of this ColorRamp too.
19. Press Shift + D to duplicate a Difference node and move it after the Col-
orRamp nodes; connect the two ColorRamp node's Color outputs to the
Color1 and Color2 inputs of the last Difference node.
20. Add a frame (press Shift + A and go to Layout | Frame ), select these last
nodes and then the frame itself and press Ctrl + P to parent them. Re-
name the frame RUST_BUMP .
21. Inside the SHADERS frame, add a Bump node (press Shift + A and go
to Vector | Bump ). Connect the RUST_BUMP frame's final Difference
node's Color output to the Bump node's Height input socket, and its
Normal output to the Normal input socket of the Diffuse shader inside
the SHADERS frame.
22. Add an RGB Curves node (press Shift + A and go to Color | RGB
Curves ), a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Co-
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