Graphics Programs Reference
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19. In the duplicated Wave Texture node set the Scale value to 0.500 , and
in the duplicated Musgrave node set Scale to 10.000 , Dimension to
1.000 , Lacunarity to 0.200 , and Offset to 0.600 .
20. Add a new ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Co-
lorRamp ), set the interpolation to Ease and move the white color marker
one-third to the left; change the black color marker to RGB 0.500 and
click on the Add button. Set the Color of the new marker to pure black.
Connect the Color output of the Difference3 node to the Fac value of the
ColorRamp node.
21. Add a Mix node (press Shift + A | Color | Mix ) and paste it between the
Difference2 node and the second Metal group; connect the last Color-
Ramp node's Color output to the Color2 input socket of the Mix node;
set the Mix node Blend Type to Add , the Fac value to 1.000 and check
the Clamp option.
How it works...
As with the bronze material recipe, we used the Dirty Vertex Colors layer as stencil
factor, this time to mix two instances of the same Metal node group; the first one
with average metal settings and a polished surface, the second one set as a lot less
reflective surface with bump scratches obtained by the texture nodes.
There's more...
Obviously, it's not just the Dirty Vertex Colors layer that can be modified and im-
proved by vertex painting the mesh, but we could also use, instead, a gray-scale im-
age map, painted for example in The Gimp or in Blender itself and then UV mapped
on the mesh to obtain more precisely localized or peculiar worn effects.
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