Graphics Programs Reference
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| Noise Texture ), and two Musgrave Textures (press Shift + A and go to
Textures | Musgrave Texture ).
10. Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector
input of the Mapping node, then connect the Vector output of this one to
the Vector inputs of all four texture nodes.
11. For the first Noise node, set Scale to 22.100 , Detail to 12.000 , and
Distortion to 3.000 ; for the second Noise , set Scale to 3.500 and De-
tail to 5.800.
12. For the first Musgrave , just set the Scale value to 8.500 . For the second
one change the type to Multifractal and set Scale to 8.500 , Detail to
2.600 , Dimension to 0.800 , and Lacunarity to 0.400 .
13. Add a Mix node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ); set the Blend
Type to Difference and the Color2 value to pure white. Connect the Co-
lor output of the first Musgrave node to the Color1 input socket, and the
Fac output of the second Noise Texture node to the Fac input socket of
the same Mix node.
14. Press Shift + D to duplicate the Mix node, set the Blend Type to Subtract
and connect the color output of the Difference node to the Color2 input
of the Subtract node, and the Color output of the first Noise Texture to
its Color1 input socket.
15. Connect the Color output of the first Noise Texture node to the Color2
input socket of the Burn node that we made in step 5.
16. Add a Math node ( Shift + A and go to Convertor | Math ) and set the op-
eration to Multiply . Connect the Subtract node output to the first Value
input of the Math node, then connect the Math node output to the Dis-
placement input socket of the Material Output node. Set the second
Value to 0.200 .
17. Add a ColorRamp node ( Shift + A and go to Convertor | ColorRamp )
and paste it between the Subtract node and the Math node. Set the in-
terpolation to Ease and move the color white marker three-fourths to the
left of the slider.
18. Add a Mix node ( Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ) and paste it just after
this last ColorRamp node. Connect the first Noise Texture node's Color
output to the Color2 input socket of the Mix node, and the ColorRamp
node's Color output also to the Color2 input socket of the Overlay node
we made in step 6.
19. Add a last ColorRamp ( Shift + A and go to Convertor | ColorRamp );
set its interpolation to Ease , move the black color marker one-third to the
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