Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and go to Input | Tex-
ture Coordinate ), a Mapping node ( Shift + A and go to Vector | Map-
ping ), a Voronoi Texture node, and a Noise Texture node ( Shift + A and
go to Texture | Noise Texture ).
6. Connect the Object output of the Texture Coordinate node to the Vector
input of the Mapping node and this latter's output to the Vector input
sockets of the two texture nodes.
7. Set the Voronoi node's Coloring to Cells and the Scale to 350.000 . Set
the Noise node's Scale to 450.000 and the Detail value to 5.000 .
8. Add two Math nodes ( Shift + A and go to Convertor | Math ), set the op-
eration of the second to Multiply ; connect the Fac output of the Voronoi
node to the first Value input socket of the Add math node, and the Fac
output of the Noise node to the second Value input socket.
9. Connect the Add node output to the first Value input socket of the Mul-
tiply node; set the second Value of Multiply node to 0.060 and connect
the output to the Displacement node input socket of the Material Output
10. Add a Mix node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ) and move it close
to the Voronoi Texture node. Set the Blend Type to Multiply and con-
nect the Voronoi node's Color output to the Color2 input socket of the
Multiply node, then connect the Color output to the Color input sockets
of the three shaders— Diffuse , Velvet , and Glossy .
11. Add an RGB node ( Shift + A and go to Input | RGB ) and connect it to the
Color1 input socket of the Multiply node.
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