Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
7. Go to the World window, click on Use Nodes and change the color to R
0.118 , G 0.129 , B 0.142 .
8. Go in the Render window and, under Sampling , change the samples to
100 both for Render and Preview . Also, increase the Clamp value to
1.00 .
9. Split the 3D window to two horizontal windows and change the upper one
to a Node Editor window.
10. Set the 3D window as a Camera view and in Rendered mode.
11. In the Outliner , select the lamp, click on Use Nodes and set the
Strength value to 1000.000 .
How to do it...
And now, let's jump straight to the material creation:
1. Select the cube and click on Use Nodes in the Material window, under
Surface in the Properties panel, or in the Node Editor window's header.
Rename the material as Running_water .
2. In the Material window on the right, under Surface , switch the Diffuse
shader with a Mix Shader node. In the first Shader slot, select a Glass
BSDF shader and in the second slot a Glossy BSDF shader.
3. Set the Glass shader's IOR value to 1.330 and the color of both the
Glass and Glossy shaders to pure white. Set the Roughness value of
the Glossy shader to 0.010 .
4. Add a Fresnel node (press Shift + A and go to Input | Fresnel ) and con-
nect its output to the Fac socket of the Mix Shader node; set the IOR
value to 1.330 .
5. Add a Musgrave Texture node (press Shift + A and go to Texture | Mus-
grave Texture ) and a Bump node (press Shift + A and go to Vector |
Bump ). Connect the Musgrave node's Fac output to the Height input
of the Bump node, then its Normal output to the Normal sockets of the
Glass and Glossy shaders.
6. Add a Texture Coordinate node (press Shift + A and go to Input | Texture
Coordinate ) and a Mapping (press Shift + A and go to Vector | Map-
ping ) node. Connect the Object output of the first to the Vector input
of the second one, and then connect the Vector output of the Mapping
node to the Vector input socket of the Musgrave Texture node.
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