Graphics Programs Reference
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How it works...
As usual, to better understand this recipe, we can divide this material creation in
two stages: the first one for the general color and consistency of the snow and the
second one to add bumpiness to the surface.
First stage : We just made a basic shader by mixing Diffuse and Glossy
shaders by the Index Of Refraction of the Fresnel node. This Fresnel
value is divided by the Math node to obtain a softer transition (try chan-
ging this value from 10.000 to 1.000 to see a totally different effect).
We then also mixed in a bluish Translucent shader, but giving predom-
inance to the basic shader by setting the factor value in the second Mix
Shader node to 0.300 . The Translucent shader gives the appearance
of the light seeping through the snow and showing in the shadowed areas
of the object.
Second stage : Here, we added two Noise Texture nodes with different
scale values to simulate the soft snow bumpiness. The first two Multiply
math nodes separately set the influence of each noise. These values get
merged by the Add node and finally piped in one more Math node, which
is set to Multiply as well, to establish the overall weight of the bump effect
that, being directly connected to the Displacement input in the Material
Output node, affects together all the shaders in the network.
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