Graphics Programs Reference
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27. Select and press Shift + D to duplicate the Mix Shader node. Set its Fac
value to 0.300 and paste the duplicate between the original one and the
Material Output node. Add a Glossy BSDF shader (press Shift + A to go
to| Shader | Glossy BSDF ) and connect its output to the second Shader
input of the duplicated Mix Shader node.
28. Set the Glossy shader color to R 0.560 , G 0.742 , B 0.800 and its Rough-
ness value to 0.400 .
29. Add a Mix node (press Shift + A and go to Color | Mix ) and change the
Blend Type to Burn . Connect the Fac output of the Noise texture of the
second bump to the Color1 input and the Invert node output to the Col-
or2 input socket.
30. Add a ColorRamp node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | Color-
Ramp ) and change its interpolation to Ease and move the white marker
three-fourth to the left. Connect the output of the Burn node to the Fac
input of the ColorRamp node and its color output to the Fac input of the
first Mix Shader node, as shown in the following screenshot:
31. Add a RGB to BW node (press Shift + A and go to Convertor | RGB to
BW ) and paste it between the Bump node and the Multiply one.
32. Select the Bump node and press Shift + D to duplicate it twice. Connect
the RGB to BW output to their Height inputs and then connect the
Normal output of the second Bump node to the Normal input of the
second Diffuse shader, and the Normal output of the third Bump node
to the Normal input of the Glossy shader.
33. Decrease the Strength value of the first Bump node to 0.600 and the
Strength value of the third Bump node to 0.200 . Finally, we are done!
This is what we have achieved:
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