Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Through the 1960s and 1970s, interest in applying ecology to agriculture gradually gained momentum with
intensification of community and population ecology research, the growing influence of systems-level approaches,
and the increase in environmental awareness among members of the public. An important sign of this interest at
the international level occurred in 1974 at the first International Congress of Ecology, when a working group
developed a report entitled “Analysis of Agroecosystems.”
As more ecologists in the 1970s began to see agricultural systems as legitimate areas of study, and more
agronomists saw the value of the ecological perspective, the foundations of agroecology grew more rapidly. By the
beginning of the 1980s, agroecology had emerged as a distinct methodology and conceptual framework for the
study of agroecosystems. An important influence during this period came from traditional farming systems in
developing countries, which began to be recognized by many researchers as important examples of ecologically
based agroecosystem management (e.g., Gliessman, 1978a; Gliessman et al., 1981).
As its influence grew, agroecology helped contribute to the development of the concept of sustainability in
agriculture. While sustainability provided a goal for focusing agroecological research, agroecology's whole-systems
approach and knowledge of dynamic equilibrium provided a sound theoretical and conceptual basis for sustainability.
In 1984, a variety of authors laid out the ecological basis of sustainability in the proceedings of a symposium
(Douglass, 1984); this publication played a major role in solidifying the connection between agroecological research
and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.
During the 1990s, agroecology matured into a well-recognized approach for the conversion to sustainable food
systems. Agroecological research approaches emerged (Gliessman, 1990), several textbooks were published (Altieri,
1995; Pretty, 1995; Gliessman, 1998), websites were developed (, and academic research and
education programs were put into motion. The establishment of an Agroecology Section for the Ecological Society
of America in 1998 signaled a major change in how ecologists thought about agriculture, and the regular presentation
of symposia, oral papers, and posters on agroecology at annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy
showed the embracing of the ecological approach.
Today, agroecology continues to straddle established boundaries. On the one hand, agroecology is the study of
ecological processes in agroecosystems. On the other, it is a change agent for the complex social and ecological
shifts that may need to occur in the future to move agriculture to a truly sustainable basis. Together, these
complementary thrusts forge the way toward achieving sustainable food systems.
Important Works in the History of Agroecology
K. Klages
“Crop ecology and ecological crop geography in the agronomic curriculum”
J. Papadakis
Compendium of Crop Ecology
H. Hanson
“Ecology in agriculture”
K. Klages
Ecological Crop Geography
G. Azzi
Agricultural Ecology
C.P. Wilsie
Crop Adaptation and Distribution
W. Ti s c h l e r
D.H. Janzen
“Tropical agroecosystems”
J. Harper
“The need for a focus on agro-ecosystems”
Report on an International Programme for Analysis of Agro-Ecosystems
O.L. Loucks
“Emergence of research on agro-ecosystems”
S. Gliessman
Memorias del Seminario Regional sobre la Agricultura Agricola Tradicional
R.D. Hart
Agroecosistemas: Conceptos Basicos
G. Cox and M. Atkins
Agricultural Ecology: An Analysis of World Food Production Systems
S. Gliessman, R. Garcia-Espinosa,
and M. Amador
“The ecological basis for the application of traditional agricultural technology in the
management of tropical agroecosystems”
M. Altieri
R. Lowrance, B. Stinner,
and G. House
Agricultural Ecosystems: Unifying Concepts
G. Douglass (ed.)
Agricultural Sustainability in a Changing World Order
S. Gliessman (ed.)
Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture
M. Altieri
Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture (3rd edition)
J. Pretty
Regenerating Agriculture: Policies and Practice for Sustainability and Self-Reliance
S. Gliessman
Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture
D. Rickerl and C. Francis (eds.)
Agroecosystem Analysis
D. Clements and A. Shrestha (eds.)
New Dimensions in Agroecology
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