Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
growing network of farmers' markets in the
United States.
some of society's most pressing problems,
including food and environmental issues.
Community Agroecology Network
A source of information about the opportuni-
ties for developing sustainable relationships
and alternative food networks that link con-
sumers in the North with producers in the
Bacon, C., V.E., Méndez, S.R., Gliessman, D. Goodman, and
J. Fox, (eds.) Confronting the Coffee Crisis: Sustaining
Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mexico and Central
America . MIT Press: Boston, Massachusetts, 2007. A
probing look at the impact of commodity chains on rural
communities in the global South, and alternative steps
that can be taken by consumers and consumer organi-
zations in the global North.
Freyfogle, E.T. (ed.) 2001. The New Agrarianism: Land, Culture,
and the Community of Life . Island Press: Washington,
DC. A gathering of powerful writings by well-known
authors in the field of food and the environment that
shows how there is a groundswell of change in the
direction of strengthening our roots in the land, while
bringing greater health to families, neighborhoods, and
communities in rural as well as urban places.
Halweil, B. 2004. Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures
in a Global Supermarket. A World Watch topic. Norton:
New York. A highly engaging account of where our food
comes from, why food system change is needed, and
what the alternatives are.
Henderson, E. and R. Van En. 1999. Sharing the Harvest: A
Guide to Community Supported Agriculture . Chelsea
Green Publishing: White River Junction, VT. An infor-
mative guide to the history, development, implementa-
tion, and benefits of community-supported agriculture.
Magdorf, F, J.B. Foster, and F.H. Buttel (eds.) 2000. Hungry for
Profit . Monthly Review Press: New York. A complete
analysis of the issues and debates surrounding the global
commodification of agriculture and the extent to which
our environmental, social, and economic problems are
intertwined with the structure of global agriculture as it
now exists. The topic demystifies the reasons why hun-
ger proliferates in the midst of plenty and points the way
we can all work towards sustainable solutions.
Menzel, P. and F. D'Aluisio 2005. Hungry Planet: What the
Wo r l d E a t s . Material World Books: Napa, CA and Ten
Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. A beautiful photographic
essay of what families eat from around the world, placed
in an important context of cultural diversity and the
impacts of the global market place on food and diets.
Merrill, R. (ed.) 1976. Radical Agriculture . Harper Colophon
Books, Harper & Row Publishers: New York. A thought-
provoking analysis of the problems as well as a presen-
tation of visionary solutions for moving towards a
self-sustaining agriculture, written before most of us
were promoting sustainability.
National Association of Farmers Markets
A guide to the expanding network of certified
farmers markets in the United Kingdom, and
the work of The National Farmers' Retail
and Markets Association in fostering the link
between farmers and consumers.
Local Food Works
A project of the Soil Association of the United
Kingdom intended to foster sustainable local
food systems through the development of lo-
cal food networks.
Local Harvest
A remarkable site that links the conscious con-
sumer to a nationwide network of alternative
food and farm products, including farmers
markets, CSAs, farms, grocery stores, res-
taurants, and even an online store.
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center,
CSA section
A CSA information resource that helps the con-
sumer find a nearby CSA, learn what CSAs
are and how they work. Provides links to other
alternative farming systems information.
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Access to an extensive database about agriculture.
Old Dog Documentaries
An organization that uses its documentary film
skills to provoke grassroots solutions to
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