Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Contains descriptions of current projects and
Huffaker, C.B. and P.S. Messenger. 1976. Theory and Practice
of Biological Control . Academic Press: New York.
The classic reference on biological control, with
emphasis on the management of crop communities as
a foundation.
Innis, D.Q. 1997. Intercropping and the Scientific Basis of
Traditional Agriculture. Intermediate Technology
Development Group: London, UK. Compares the
practice and science of intercropping in traditional
agricultural systems of several developing countries.
Koul, O., G.S. Dhaliwal, and G.W. Cuperus. 2004. Integrated
Pest Management: Potential, Constraints and Chal-
lenges . CABI Publishing: Cambridge, MA. This volume
covers key issues surrounding IPM, with an emphasis
on insects. Topics include the pesticide paradox in IPM,
risk-benefit analysis, IPM and sustainable development,
and consumer response to IPM.
Liebman, M., C.L. Mohler, and C.P. Staver. 2001. Ecological
Management of Agricultural Weeds . Cambridge Univer-
sity Press: Cambridge, UK. A very complete review of
the principles and applications of ecological weed man-
agement in a range of temperate and tropical farming
systems with several chapters that emphasize commu-
nity ecology aspects.
Morin, P.J. 1999. Community Ecology . Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge UK. An introduction to community
ecology, with examples of interactions between plants
and animals in aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
Narwal, S.S., R.E. Hoagland, R.H. Dilday, and M.R. Roger.
2000. Allelopathy in Ecological Agriculture and For-
estry . Springer: New York. A review of current allel-
opathy research, with case studies from several
Rice, E.L. 1995. Biological Control of Weeds and Plant Dis-
eases: Advances in Applied Allelopathy . Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press. An excellent review of
allelopathy as a means of managing weed and disease
populations in crop or forest communities.
van Noordwijk, M., G. Cadish, and C.K. Ong. (eds.), 2004.
Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems:
Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components.
CABI Publishing: Cambridge, MA. A synthesis of
plant-soil-plant interactions in agroforestry and inter-
cropping, with a focus on agroecological processes in
multiple cropping systems.
Wardle, D.A. 2002. Communities and Ecosystems: Linking the
Aboveground and Belowground Components . Princeton
University Press: Princeton, NJ. A thorough review of
the field of community ecology, focusing on the influ-
ence of interactions between above- and belowground
components on ecosystem structure and function.
Department of Community Ecology, Center for
Environmental Research (Germany) = 798
Focuses on the analysis and assessment of natu-
ral and anthropogenic structural changes
in biological communities, and thus on the
development of a scientific basis for under-
standing and managing biodiversity.
Natural Systems Agriculture Group, University of
This research group makes extensive use of
intercropping in its approach to sustainable
International Allelopathy Society
Information on researchers, events, and publi-
cations in allelopathic research.
Beets, W.C. 1990. Raising and Sustaining Productivity of Small-
Holder Farming Systems in the Tropics . AgBe Publishing:
Alkmaar, Holland. A very thorough and practical review
of sustainable agriculture; most appropriate for much of
the tropics, with good sections on multiple cropping
Eilittä, M., J. Mureithi, and R. Derpsch (eds.), 2004. Green
Manure Cover Crop Systems of Smallholder Farmers:
Experiences From Tropical and Subtropical Regions .
Springer: New York. A volume providing 12 in-depth
case studies of smallholder intercropping strategies, ana-
lyzed from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Francis, C.A. (ed.). 1986. Multiple Cropping Systems . New York:
Macmillan. A very thorough treatment of the agronomy
and ecology of the great diversity of multiple cropping
systems from around the world.
Francis, C.A. 1990. Sustainable Agriculture in Temperate Zones .
Wiley and Sons: New York. An overview of sustainable
agriculture for the developed world, with good examples
of how multiple cropping may play a role.
Hajek, A.E. 2004. Natural Enemies: an Introduction to Biologi-
cal Control . Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
UK. An in-depth review of biological control of arthro-
pods, vertebrates, weeds, and plant pathogens through
use of natural enemies.
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