HTML and CSS Reference
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To is e l e c t l i is t i t e m is , yo u' d d To t h i is , w h e re n is a formula, number, or keyword:
To s e l e c t j u s t t h e To d d To r e ve n l i s t i t e m s , yo u' d d To t h i s ( a ve r y e a s y way t To c re at e
the infamous zebra-striped table effect):
Or, you could use this:
To c re at e t h e s a m e z e b ra s t r i p e s , l e t 's l To To k at s To m e To t h e r fo r m u l a e x a m p l e s :
li:nth-child(5) . Selects the fifth adjacent list item.
li:nth-child(4n+1) . Selects every fourth list item, and then adds 1 to each
result. So numbers 5 and 9.
li:nth-child(3n-2) . Selects every third list item, and then subtracts 2
from each result. So numbers 1, 4, and 7.
nth-last-child does the same thing as nth-child , but it counts backward
from the last element in the sequence.
nth-of-type and nth-last-of-type are very similar but have one important
difference: of-type ignores any rogue elements interspersed within the repeated
sequence of elements because the selection is done by type of element, not child
number. For example:
1. <article class=”abstract”> ... </article>
2. <article class=”abstract”> ... </article>
3. <article class=”abstract”> ... </article>
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