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Here is the first function:
function formOut() {
if(form.className===”” || form.className===”form-in”) {
if(Modernizr.cssanimations) {
} else {
t = ;
h1.innerHTML = “Hide feedback form!”;
} else {
if(Modernizr.cssanimations) {
} else {
t = ;
h1.innerHTML = “Give us your feedback!”;
I've used an if ... else statement to see whether the form is offscreen and I
want to move it on or whether it is onscreen and I want to move it off.
form.className===”” || form.className===”form-in” basically specifies “if
the form's class is empty OR it is set to form-in , then it will be offscreen; therefore,
run the first Modernizr test.” modernizr.cssanimations tests whether CSS Anima-
tions are supported by the current browser. If they are, then set the form's class
value to form-out to trigger the animation that brings it onscreen.
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