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that could detect increasing levels of strain, while
samples with initial fabrics could not. Pertinent to our
discussion here, the post-deformation remanence of
the initially fabric-less samples was interpreted by the
authors to be a remagnetization based on a change in
magnetic properties, i.e. a piezo-remanent magnetiza-
tion. The remagnetization was parallel in direction to
the pre-deformation remanence for these samples. The
samples with initial fabrics had a post-deformation
remanence that was either parallel to the pre-
deformation remanence or scattered. Unfortunately,
these results do not inform our understanding of how
remanence deforms during non-coaxial simple shear
strain, but they do show that the initial strain state of
a sample will affect how well magnetic anisotropy can
measure subsequent deformation. These results point
to the complexity of using magnetic fabrics to measure
the degree of rock deformation. Borradaile & Jackson
(2004) detail these complexities and conclude that
AMS is not a reliable way to quantify rock strain;
however, it can determine the orientation of the strain
coincident formation of a spaced slaty cleavage in the
Strain-induced remagnetization was the conclusion
of two detailed strain-remanence studies of fi rst - order
folds in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia.
Lewchuk et al . (2003) studied the Patterson Creek anti-
cline and Elmore et al . (2006) studied the Wills Moun-
tain anticline. Both studies investigated the Silurian
Tonoloway Formation and Ordovician Helderberg For-
mation carbonate rocks that were folded in both anti-
clines and carried a Late Paleozoic remagnetization.
The pattern was basically the same in both studies; the
Tonoloway Formation rocks had either a pre-folding
(Patterson Creek anticline) or early syn-folding (Wills
Mountain anticline) magnetization, while the Helder-
berg Formation had a true syn-folding magnetization
in the folds. Magnetite is the magnetic mineral respon-
sible for the magnetizations. Detailed measurements of
strain in the rocks showed that the syn-folding mag-
netizations were in rocks with more pressure solution
strain, either compactional or tectonic in geometry.
The authors of the studies argue for a modifi cation of
the rocks' magnetization caused by strain or a strain-
induced remagnetization modifi ed by a piezo-remanent
magnetization. Mechanical rotation of pre-folding
magnetic grains by strain is ruled out in the Wills
Mountain anticline study because the difference in the
amount of strain between the pre-folded and syn-
folded rocks is not enough to explain the syn-folding
geometry of magnetization.
The Till et al . (2010) study does show that tectonic
strain can likely lead to remagnetization of a rock.
Hudson et al . (1989) argue that a piezo-remanent
magnetization has remagnetized the folded Preuss For-
mation sandstone in a Wyoming thrust sheet. Meas-
urements of strain in the folded rocks suggest that the
amount and geometry of the strain could not have
caused over-steepening of the fold limbs, grain bound-
ary sliding or fl exural fl ow strain. Although the mag-
netization of the Preuss is syn-folding in geometry,
detrital magnetite grains carry it. There is no evidence
of secondary magnetic grains that could carry a CRM.
Furthermore, the thermal history of the rocks does not
point to a viscous partial thermal remanence as a
cause of remagnetization. The authors are left with
a stress-induced cause of remagnetization: a piezo-
remanence. Housen et al . (1993) appeal to an entirely
different mechanism for a strain-caused remagnetiza-
tion of the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation shales
and slates in eastern Pennsylvania. In a detailed sam-
pling of a shale-slate transition in the Martinsburg
Formation, Housen et al . observe dissolution and neo-
crystallization of magnetite leading to a CRM remag-
netization mechanism caused by increasing strain and
Paleomagnetism is one of the best ways of studying
how oroclines form. Oroclines are the bends observed
in many mountain chains globally. Weil & Sussman
(2004) show 11 major oroclines throughout the world.
The Pennsylvania salient in the Appalachians is a
mountain chain bend that has been studied the most,
both by paleomagnetic and structural geology methods.
Pertinent to our discussion of strain and paleomagnet-
ism, grain-scale strain was considered at one time to be
the possible cause of divergent declinations around the
Pennsylvania salient.
As Weil & Sussman (2004) point out there is a long
history to the idea of an orocline, the bending of a
once-straight fold belt. The name orocline was fi rst pro-
posed by Carey (1955), and ideas about the formation
of oroclines have evolved since then. Weil & Sussman
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