Java Reference
In-Depth Information
An ArrayList is created containing SNIServerName objects that each indic-
ate a valid server name. In the example, one SNIServerName object is added to the
list. A list of valid servers is then passed to the SSLParamet-
ers.setServerNames() method.
22-3. Specifying a Keystore Password
You want to secure an SSL keystore with an additional password for added security.
Specify the new importpassword command option when creating a keystore.
keytool -genkey -alias java8recipes -keyalg RSA -keystore
keystore.jks -keysize 2048
Use the following to import a passphrase:
keytool -importpassword -alias java8recipes
How It Works
The keytool utility's new -importpassword command allows you to store a pass-
phrase in the new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry . This password provides another
level of security beyond the standard keypass because the keypass is used to protect it.
When users issue this command, they must provide the -keypass option along with
the keystore password, otherwise they will be prompted for it.
22-4. Generating the Strongest Random
Number Possible
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