Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Security is one of the most important portions of application development. Providing ap-
plications that function properly is only one part of successful application development.
Providing a secure application is another important task that many developers overlook.
The Java language makes it easy to develop secure applications by providing many op-
tions and features that make applications more secure. In Java 8, there have been addi-
tions and enhancements across the spectrum of security options, making the Java lan-
guage even more robust and secure. The following is a list of some those security fea-
TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 enabled by default
Limited doPrivileged() block permissions
Password-based encryption (SunJCE) now provides stronger algorithms
SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension support
SunJCE provider is enhanced to support AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher
implementation as well as GCM algorithm parameters
SunJCE provider enhanced to support AEAD mode-based cipher suites
-importpassword option added to keytool
DKS keystore support
Cryptographic algorithms have been enhanced with the SSH-224 variant
of SHA-2
Enhance support for NSA Suite B cryptography
SecureRandom now provides better support for high entropy random
number generation
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