Java Reference
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URL url2 = new URL(url1, "search/node/jdk8");
As you can see, the path search/node/jdk8 is relative to the URL that is
known as url1 . In the end, the human-readable format of the url2 object is represen-
ted as . There are a couple more
constructors for creating URL objects that take more than two arguments. Those con-
structors are as follows:
new URL (String protocol, String host, String port,
String path);
new URL (String protocol, String host, String path);
In the solution, the second of the two constructors shown here is demonstrated. The
protocol, hostname, and path of the resource are passed to the constructor to create the
url3 object. These last two constructors are usually most useful when you're dynam-
ically generating an URL.
21-6. Parsing a URL
You want to programmatically gather information from an URL in your application.
Parse the URL using the built-in URL class methods. In the following example class
named ParseUrl , an URL object is created and then parsed using the built-in URL
class methods to gather information regarding the URL. After the information has been
retrieved from the URL, it is printed to the command line and then used to create an-
other URL.
public static void main(String[] args) {
URL url1 = null;
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