Java Reference
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Begin by creating a SchemaFactory for a specific type of schema definition. A
SchemaFactory knows how to parse a particular schema type and prepares it for
validation. Use the SchemaFactory instance to create a Schema object. The
Schema object is an in-memory representation of the schema definition grammar. You
can use the Schema instance to retrieve a Validator instance that understands this
grammar. Finally, use the validate() method to check your XML. The method call
will generate several exceptions if anything goes wrong during the validation. Other-
wise, the validate() method returns quietly, and you can continue to use the XML
Note The XML Schema was the first to receive “Recommendation” status from the
World Wide Web consortium (W3C) in 2001. Competing schemas have since become
available. One competing schema is the Regular Language for XML Next Generation
(RELAX NG) schema. RELAX NG may be a simpler schema and its specification also
defines a non-XML, compact syntax. This recipe's example uses the XML schema.
Run the example code using the following command-line syntax, preferably with
the sample .xml file and validation files provided as resources/patients.xml
and patients.xsl , respectively:
java org.java8recipes.chapter20.recipe20_4.ValidateXml
20-5. Creating Java Bindings for an XML
You want to generate a set of Java classes (Java bindings) that represent the objects in
an XML schema.
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