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ject to be displayed as HTML. The following code snippet instantiates a WebView
graph node that is responsible for rendering the HTML5 content:
final WebView webView = new WebView();
The countdown timer in the example refreshes the weather information being dis-
played in the application window. First, you instantiate an IntegerProperty vari-
able, called countdown, to hold the number of seconds until the next refresh time.
Second, you add a change listener ( ChangeListener ) to update the HTML content
dynamically using JavaFX's capability to execute JavaScript. The change listener also
determines whether the countdown has reached zero. If so, it invokes the
webEngine 's ( WebEngine ) reload() method to refresh or retrieve the weather
information again. The following code creates an IntegerProperty value to up-
date the countdown text using the executeScript() method:
IntegerProperty countDown = new
countDown.addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Number>
Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> {
= 'Seconds till refresh: "
+ newValue + "'");
if (newValue.intValue() == 0) {
}); // addListener()
After the ChangeListener is implemented using a lambda expression, a
TimeLine object is created to change the countdown variable, which will trigger
the ChangeListener to update the HTML text depicting the seconds until refresh.
The following code implements a TimeLine object that updates the countDown
final Timeline timeToRefresh = new Timeline();
new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, new KeyValue(countDown,
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