Java Reference
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For the last requirements relating to the image viewer application, simple controls
are generated that allow the users to view the next or previous image. I emphasize
“simple” controls because JavaFX contains two other methods for creating custom con-
trols. One way (CSS styling) is discussed later, in Recipe 15-5. To explore the other al-
ternative, refer to the Javadoc on the Skin and Skinnable APIs.
The simple buttons in this example are created using Java FX's
javafx.scene.shape.Arc to build the left and right arrows on top of a small
transparent rounded rectangle called javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle . Next,
an EventHandler that listens to mouse-pressed events is added via a lambda expres-
sion, and it will load and display the appropriate image based on the enums But-
tonMove.PREV and ButtonMove.NEXT .
When instantiating a generic class with a type variable between the < and > sym-
bols, the same type variable will be defined in the handle() 's signature. When im-
plementing the event handler logic, you determine which button was pressed and then
return the index into the imageFiles list of the next image to display. When loading
an image using the Image class, it is possible to load images from the file system or
from a URL . The following code instantiates an EventHandler<MouseEvent>
lambda expression to display the previous image in the imageFiles list:
(MouseEvent me) -> {
int indx = gotoImageIndex(ButtonMove.PREV);
if (indx > -1) {
String namePict = imageFiles.get(indx);
namePict = filePrefix + namePict;
final Image image = new Image(namePict);
The right button's ( rightButton ) event handler is identical. The only thing dif-
ferent is that it must determine whether the previous or next button was pressed via the
ButtonMove enum. This information is passed to the gotoImageIndex() meth-
od to determine whether an image is available in that direction.
To finish the image viewer application, you bind the rectangular button's control to
the scene's width and height, which repositions the control as the user resizes the win-
dow. Here, you bind the translateXProperty() to the scene's width property by
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