Java Reference
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To create dialogs, JavaFX uses another instance of a javafx.stage.Stage class
to be displayed to the user. Similar to extending from a JDialog class in Swing, you
simply extend from a Stage class. You have the opportunity to pass in the owning
window in the constructor, which then calls the initOwner() method. The modal
state of the dialog box can be set using the initModality() method. The following
class extends from the Stage class, having a constructor initializing the owning stage
and modal state:
class MyDialog extends Stage {
public MyDialog(Stage owner, boolean modality, String
title) {
Modality m = modality
? Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL : Modality.NONE;
...// The rest of the class
The rest of the code creates a scene ( Scene ) similar to the main application's
start() method. Because login forms are pretty boring, we decided to create an an-
imation of a bouncing ball while the user is busy changing the password in the dialog
box. (You will see more about creating animation in future recipes.)
When the menu item for Change Password is selected, the createLoginDia-
log method checks to see if there is already an instance of MyDialog instantiated. If
so, it closes that instance and generates a new one. The newly created dialog is then
displayed. Similarly, the RadioMenuItem controls call the createLoginDialog
method, passing different Boolean values to indicate whether the instantiated MyDia-
log instance should be set to modal or not. As mentioned earlier, the bouncy ball has
no bearing on the dialog; it's just added for effect.
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