Java Reference
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Once you have created a column, you'll notice the setProperty() method,
which is responsible for calling the person Bean 's property. When the list of employ-
ees is put into the TableView , it will know how to pull the properties to be placed in
each cell in the table.
Last is the implementation of the selection listener on the ListViewer in
JavaFX, called a selection item property ( selectionItemProperty ). Create and
add a ChangeListener to listen to selection events. When a user selects a boss, the
TableView is cleared and populated with the boss' employees. Actually it is the ma-
gic of the ObservableList that notifies the TableView of changes. To populate
the TableView via the teamMembers ( ObservableList ) variable, use this
14-14. Organizing the UI with Split Views
You want to split up a GUI screen by using split divider controls.
Use JavaFX's split pane control. The javafx.scene.control.SplitPane
class is a UI control that enables you to divide a screen into frame-like regions. The
split control allows users to move the divider between any two split regions with the
Shown here is the code used to create the GUI application that utilizes the
javafx.scene.control.SplitPane class. That class divides the screen into
three windowed regions. The three windowed regions are a left column, an upper-right
region, and a lower-right region. In addition, Text nodes are added to the three re-
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
primaryStage.setTitle("Chapter 14-14 Organizing UI
with Split Views");
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