Java Reference
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Figure 14-2 . Drawing text in random places
How It Works
To draw text in JavaFX, you create a javafx.scene.text.Text node to be
placed on the scene graph ( javafx.scene.Scene ). In this example you'll notice
text objects with random colors and positions scattered about the Scene area.
First, you create a loop to generate random (x,y) coordinates to position Text
nodes. Second, you create random color components between (0-255 RGB) to be ap-
plied to the Text nodes. Third, the rotation angle (in degrees) is a randomly generated
value between (0-360 degrees) to cause the text to be slanted. The following code cre-
ates random values that will be assigned to a Text node's position, color, and rotation:
int x = rand.nextInt((int) scene.getWidth());
int y = rand.nextInt((int) scene.getHeight());
int red = rand.nextInt(255);
int green = rand.nextInt(255);
int blue = rand.nextInt(255);
int rot = rand.nextInt(360);
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