Java Reference
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In Java 8, the new Date-Time API ( Chapter 4 ) is the preferred API for working with
dates and times. Therefore, when working with date values and databases, the JDBC
API must convert between SQL dates and new Date-Time LocalDate objects. The
solution to this recipe demonstrates that to obtain an instance of java.sql.Date
from a LocalDate object, you simply invoke the static
java.sql.Date.valueOf() method, passing the pertinent LocalDate object.
Rather than manually opening and closing resources with each database call, you
would prefer to have the application handle such boilerplate code for you.
Use the try-with-resources syntax to automatically close the resources that you
open. The following block of code uses this tactic to automatically close the Connec-
tion , Statement , and ResultSet resources when it is finished using them:
String qry = "select recipe_number, recipename,
description from recipes";
try (Connection conn = createConn.getConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(qry);) {
while ( {
String recipe = rs.getString("RECIPE_NUMBER");
String name = rs.getString("RECIPE_NAME");
String desc = rs.getString("DESCRIPTION");
System.out.println(recipe + "\t" + name + "\t"
+ desc);
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