Java Reference
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cs = conn.prepareCall("{call DUMMY_PROC(?,?)}");
Once the CallableStatement has been instantiated, it can be used just like a
PreparedStatement for setting the values of parameters. However, if a parameter
is registered within the database-stored procedure as an OUT parameter, you must call a
special method, registerOutParameter() , passing the parameter position and
database type of the OUT parameter that you want to register. In the solution to this re-
cipe, the OUT parameter is in the second position and it has a VARCHAR type.
cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
To execute the stored procedure, call the executeQuery() method on the
CallableStatement . Once this has been done, you can see the value of the OUT
parameter by making a call to the CallableStatement getXXX() method that
corresponds to the data type:
Calling a stored database function is essentially the same as calling a stored
procedure. However, the syntax to prepareCall() is slightly modified.
To call a stored function, change the call within the curly braces to entail a
returned value using a ? character. For instance, suppose that a function
named DUMMY_FUNC accepted one parameter and returned a value. The fol-
lowing code would be used to make the call and return the value:
cs = conn.prepareCall("{? = call DUMMY_FUNC(?)}");
cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
cs.setString(2, "This is a test");
A call to cs.getString(1) would then retrieve the returned value.
13-15. Obtaining Dates for Database Use
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