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list of author names, while the AUTHOR_WORK table contains the list of topics along
with the corresponding AUTHOR_ID . The BOOK table contains book specifics. Follow-
ing along with the main() method, first the BOOK_AUTHOR table is queried, and its
results are fetched into a CachedRowSet using the queryBookAuthor() method.
For more details regarding the use of CachedRowSet objects, see Recipe 13-10.
Next, another CachedRowSet is populated with the results of querying the
AUTHOR_WORK and BOOK tables, as the queryAuthorBook() method is called.
At this point, there are two populated CacheRowSet objects, and they can now be
combined using a JoinRowSet . In order to do so, each query must contain one or
more columns that relate to the other table. In this case, the BOOK_AUTHOR.ID
column relates to the AUTHOR_WORK.AUTHOR_ID column, so the RowSet objects
must be joined on those column values.
The final method that is invoked within the main() is joinRowQuery(). This
method is where all the JoinRowSet work takes place. First, a new JoinRowSet is
created by instantiating a JoinRowSetImpl() object:
jrs = new JoinRowSetImpl();
Note You will receive a compile-time warning when using JoinRowSetImpl be-
cause it is an internal SUN proprietary API. However, the Oracle version is
OracleJoinRowSet , which is not as versatile.
Next, the two CachedRowSet objects are added to the newly created
JoinRowSet by calling its addRowSet() method. The addRowSet() method
accepts a couple of arguments. The first is the name of the RowSet object that you
want to add to the JoinRowSet , and the second is an int value indicating the posi-
tion within the CachedRowSet , which contains the key value that will be used to im-
plement the join. In the solution to this recipe, the first call to addRowSet() passes
the bookAuthors CachedRowSet , along with the number 1 because the element
in the first position of the bookAuthors CachedRowSet corresponds to the
BOOK_AUTHOR.ID column. The second call to addRowSet() passes the au-
thorWork CachedRowSet , along with number 2 because the element in the
second position of the authorWork CachedRowSet corresponds to the
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