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CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSetImpl();
Once instantiated, you need to set up a connection to the database. There are also a
couple of ways to do this. Properties could be set for the connection that will be used,
and the solution to this recipe demonstrates this technique within comments. The fol-
lowing excerpt from the solution sets the connection properties using the
CachedRowSet object's setUsername(), setPassword() , and setUrl()
methods. Each of them accepts a string value, and in the example that string is obtained
from the CreateConnection class:
// Alternatively populate the CachedRowSet connection
// crs.setUsername(createConn.getUsername());
// crs.setPassword(createConn.getPassword());
// crs.setUrl(createConn.getJdbcUrl());
Another way to set up the connection is to wait until the query is executed and pass
a Connection object to the executeQuery() method. This is the technique that
is used in the solution to this recipe. But before you can execute the query, it must be
set using the setCommand() method, which accepts a string value. In this case, the
string is the SQL query that you need to execute:
crs.setCommand("select id, recipe_number, recipe_name,
description from recipes");
Next, if a CachedRowSet will be used for updates, the primary key values should
be noted using the setKeys() method. This method accepts an int array that in-
cludes the positional indices of the key columns. These keys are used to identify unique
columns. In this case, the first column listed in the query, ID , is the primary key:
int[] keys = {1};
Finally, execute the query and populate the CachedRowSet using the ex-
ecute() method. As mentioned previously, the execute() method optionally ac-
cepts a Connection object, which allows the CachedRowSet to obtain a database
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