Java Reference
In-Depth Information
try {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
This method could be called passing a string value containing a recipe number.
Suppose that the recipe number "13-1" was passed to this method; the following out-
put would be the result:
Successfully connected
13-1: Connecting to a Database - DriverManager and
DataSource Implementations
13-2: Querying a Database and Retrieving Results
- Obtaining and Using Data from a DBMS
13-3: Handling SQL Exceptions - Using SQLException
Updating rowDriverManager and DataSource Implementations
13-1: Connecting to a Database - DriverManager and
DataSource Implementations - More to come
13-2: Querying a Database and Retrieving Results
- Obtaining and Using Data from a DBMS
13-3: Handling SQL Exceptions - Using SQLException
How It Works
Sometimes you need to update data as you are parsing it. Usually this technique in-
volves testing the values that are being returned from the database and updating them
after comparison with another value. The easiest way to do this is to make the Res-
ultSet object updatable by passing the ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE con-
stant to the Connection object's createStatement() or prepareState-
ment() method. Doing so causes the Statement or PreparedStatement to
produce an updatable ResultSet .
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