Java Reference
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Note You can define variables in a build.xml file by using the <property>
tag. Once a property is defined, it can be accessed as part of another task using the
${propertyName} syntax. This allows you to quickly change a build script in re-
sponse to structural changes (for example, switching target/source folders around).
11-4. Finding Bugs Early
You want to ensure that you are able to find the maximum number of bugs at design
Use FindBugs to scan your software for issues. Use an Ant build file that includes
FindBugs for reporting purposes.
The following is the new build.xml file that adds FindBugs reporting:
<project default="test" name="Chapter11Project"
<property name="src" location="src"/>
<property name="build" location="build/"/>
<property name="reports.tests" location="report/" />
<property name="classpath" location="dep/" />
<!-- Findbugs Static Analyzer Info -->
<property name="findbugs.dir" value="dep/findbugs" />
<property name="" value="findbugs" />
<path id="findbugs.lib" >
<fileset dir="${findbugs.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
<taskdef name="findbugs" classpathref="findbugs.lib"
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