Java Reference
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Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
The sum is: 90.0
How It Works
Prior to the release of Java 8, it was important to utilize atomic numbers when working
with values across multiple threads. Atomic variables prevent thread interference
without causing obstruction in the way that synchronized access may cause in some
cases. Java 8 introduced a new line of atomic variables that provide for faster through-
put than standard atomic variables. The
java.util.concurrent.atomic.DoubleAdder and
java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder classes are preferable to
AtomicDouble and AtomicLong in most cases when the values may be accessed
and updated across multiple threads. Both DoubleAdder and LongAdder extend
Number , and they are useful when summing values across threads, especially under
high contention.
In the solution, a DoubleAdder is used to sum numbers across two different
threads. Using the add() method, various numbers are “added” to the DoubleAd-
der value. After the threads have had ample time to perform their work, the
doubleValue() method is called upon to return the sum of all values as a double.
Both the DoubleAdder and LongAdder classes contain similar methods, al-
though the LongAdder does contain a couple of additional helper methods for incre-
menting and decrementing the value of the adder . Table 10-2 shows the methods that
are contained within each of the classes.
Table 10-2 . DoubleAdder and LongAdder Methods
Adds the given value.
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