Java Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
The throw keyword allows you to explicitly generate an exceptional condition. When
the current thread throws an exception, it doesn't execute anything beyond the throw
statement and instead transfers control to the catch clause (if there are any) or ter-
minates the thread.
Note When throwing an exception, be sure that you really want to throw it. If an ex-
ception is not caught as it propagates up the stack, it will terminate the thread that is ex-
ecuting (also known as unraveling). If your program has only one main thread, an un-
caught exception will terminate your program.
9-4. Catching Multiple Exceptions
A block of code in your application has the tendency to throw multiple exceptions. You
want to catch each of the exceptions that may occur within a try block.
Solution 1
More than one catch clause can be specified in situations where multiple exceptions
occur within the same block. Each catch clause can specify a different exception to
handle, so that each exception can be handled in a different manner. In the following
code, two catch clauses are used to handle an IOException and a
ClassNotFoundException .
try {
Class<?> stringClass
= Class.forName("java.lang.String");
FileInputStream in = new
FileInputStream("myFile.log") ; // Can throw IOException;
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