Java Reference
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The Map values() method returns the Collection of map values; in this
case, a Collection of Stocks . The iterator() method implementation can
then simply return the Iterator for this Collection :
public Iterator<Stock> iterator() {
return portfolio.values().iterator();
With this implementation of Iterable<Stock> , either the legacy a foreach
loop, or the Java 8 forEach implementation can be used to iterate a StockPort-
folio instance and print each Stock :
The forEach method was new to the Iterable interface with the release of
Java 8. The method performs the specified action for each element within the Iter-
able until all elements have been processed, or the specified action throws an excep-
tion. In this solution, the specified action is a lambda expression (see Chapter 6 ) , which
prints the value of each element within the myPortfolio Iterable .
You will notice that StockPortfolio also contains the add(List<Stock>)
method, which allows the portfolio to be populated from a List . This method also
uses a foreach loop to iterate through the input List . Again, this is possible be-
cause Lists are Iterables . (Note that this method is never called in the code; it
exists only for illustration purposes.)
Note There's one issue with our implementation of StockPortfolio . We have
gone to great lengths to not expose the internal implementation details of our class (the
portfolio map). This allows us to change the implementation without affecting the
StockPortfolio client code. However, when we implemented Iterable , we ef-
fectively exported the underlying portfolio map through the iterator() method. As
was demonstrated in Recipe 7-5, an Iterator allows the underlying collection to be
modified by calling its remove() method. Unfortunately, Java does not provide an
UnmodifiableIterator class that could be used to wrap an Iterator and pre-
vent modification of the underlying Collection . However, it would be simple to im-
plement such a class that forwards the hasNext() and next() calls to the wrapped
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