Java Reference
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When a wildcard is used with the extends keyword, an upper bound is estab-
lished for the type parameter. In this example, ? extends Number means any type
that is either a Number or a subtype of a Number . Therefore, the following would be
valid assignments because both Integer and Double are subtypes of Number :
cList = new LinkedList<Number>();
cList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
cList = new LinkedList<Double>();
So, cList can hold a reference to any List instance that has an element type that
is compatible with Number . In fact, cList could even reference a raw type. Obvi-
ously, this makes it a challenge for the compiler to enforce type safety if it were to al-
low elements to be added to cList . Therefore, the compiler does not allow elements
(other than a null ) to be added to a collection type that is parameterized with ? ex-
tends . The following would result in a compiler error:
cList.add(new Integer(5)); // add() not allowed; cList
could be LinkedList<Double>
However, you are allowed to get an element from the list without any problem:
Number cNum = cList.get(0);
The only restriction here is that the reference you get from the list has to be treated
like a Number . Remember, cList could be pointing to a list of Integers , a list of
Doubles , or list of any other subtype of Number .
A wildcard can also be used with the super keyword. In this case, a lower bound
is established for the type parameter:
List<? super Integer> dList;
In this example, ? super Integer means any type that is either an Integer
or any supertype of Integer . Therefore, the following would be valid assignments
because Number and Object are the only supertypes of Integer :
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