Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The initGrades3() method looks very similar to initGrades2() , but is
slightly different. This code creates and returns an anonymous (unnamed) array:
return new int[]{ 100, 70, 55, 89, 97, 98, 82 };
With this syntax, you use the new keyword with the array element type, but the
size of the array is not explicitly specified. Similar to the array initializer syntax shown
in the initGrades2() method, the array size is implied by the number of elements
given within the initializer brackets. So, again, this code is creating and returning an ar-
ray with a length of 7 .
After computing the grade statistics for the three sets of grades data, the remainder
of the GradeAnalyzer main() method demonstrates various methods that can be
used to determine array type information and to convert an array to a printable string.
You see that the code first assigns the array returned from a call to the getGrades()
instance method to an Object variable called testArray :
Object testArray = ga.getGrades();
You can make this assignment because, as stated previously, an array is an Ob-
ject . You can also see this by the result from the call to testAr-
ray.getSuperclass() . The call to testArray.getClass().getName()
is also interesting; it returns [I . The left bracket means “I am an array type”, and the
“I” means “with a component type of integer”. This is also backed up by the result
from the call to testArray.getComponentType() . Finally, you call the Ar-
rays.toString(int[]) method, which returns a nicely formatted string repres-
entation of the array and its contents. Notice that because testArray is an Object
reference, it must be cast to an int array for the Arrays.toString(int[])
method. (See the Java documentation for the java.util.Arrays class for other
useful utility methods that can be used with arrays.)
As you have seen, arrays are simple and easy to work with. There will be times
when this simplicity works to your advantage. Recipe 7-6 shows an alternative to the
array type that provides for easy insertion and removal of elements: the ArrayList
collection class.
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