Java Reference
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Current Time: 22:21:08.419
Local Date Time object: 2011-11-11T22:21:08.419
Comparing times: 1
Hour: 22
Is local time after pastTime? true
Time minus 5 hours: 17:21:08.419
Time plus 30 mins: 22:51:08.419
How It Works
Sometimes it is necessary to obtain the current system time. The LocalTime class
can be used to obtain the current time by calling its now() method. Similarly to the
LocalDate class, the method can be called to return a
LocalTime object that is equal to the current time. The LocalTime class also con-
tains several methods that can be utilized to manipulate the time. The examples con-
tained in the solution provide a brief overview of the available methods.
Let's take a look at a handful of examples to provide some context for how the
LocalTime methods are invoked. To obtain a LocalTime object set to a specific
time, invoke the LocalTime.of(int, int) method, passing int parameters
representing the hour and minute.
// of(int hours, int min): obtain a specific time
LocalTime pastTime = LocalTime.of(1, 10);
The atDate(LocalDate) instance method is used to apply a LocalDate ob-
ject to a LocalTime instance, returning a LocalDateTime object (for more in-
formation, see Recipe 4-11).
LocalDateTime ldt
= time.atDate(LocalDate.of(2011,Month.NOVEMBER,11));
There are several methods that can be used for obtaining portions of the time. For
instance, the getHour() , getMinute() , getNano() , and getSecond() meth-
ods can be used to return those specified portions of the LocalTime object.
int hour = time.getHour();
int min = time.getMinute();
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