Cryptography Reference
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Lemma 2.31. Let Φ be a factorizable fully exclusive set system defined over
1. For any S ∈ Φ, it holds that (S) = ∩ u∈[n]\S P u .
2. For any S ∈ Φ, it holds that Φ\F(S) = ∪ u∈S P u .
3. For any S ∈ Φ, (S) is a fully exclusive factorizable set system over S.
4. For any u ∈ [n], and a separable set A ⊆ Φ, the set P u ∩A is separable.
Proof. Lemma 2.31
1. If a subset S 1 ∈ (S), then it holds for any u ∈ [n] \S that S 1 ∈ P u ; hence
S 1 ∈ ∩ u∈[n]\S P u . For the opposite direction, if S 2 ∈ ∩ u∈[n]\S P u , then it
holds that S 2 ∩ ([n] \S) = ∅; hence S 2 ⊆ S.
2. If S 1 ∈ Φ\ F(S), then it holds that there exists u ∈ S such that u ∈ S 1 ;
hence S 1 ∈ ∪ u∈S P u . For the opposite direction, if S 2 ∈ ∪ u∈S P u , then it
holds that there exists u ∈ S such that u ∈ S 2 ; hence S 2 ∈ F(S), i.e.
S 2 ∈ Φ\F(S).
3. It is easy to observe that (S) is fully-exclusive over the elements of S.
Now consider a subset S 1 ∈ (S) and an atom u ∈ S; we will check the set
(S 1 ) ∩ P 0 u , where P 0 u = (S) \ F(u). First if u 6∈ S 1 then (S 1 ) ∩ P 0 u = (S 1 )
and we are done since (S 1 ) is ideal. Now suppose u ∈ S 1 . We will show
that (S 1 ) ∩P 0 u = (S 1 ) ∩P u where P u = Φ\ F(u); this will establish that
(S 1 )∩P 0 u is separable. If S 2 ∈ (S 1 )∩P 0 u , then it follows that S 2 ∈ (S 1 )∩P u
as P 0 u ⊆ P u . For the opposite direction, consider a subset S 3 ∈ (S 1 ) ∩P u ,
then it holds that S 3 ∈ (S 1 ) \F(u) ⊆ P 0 u ; hence S 3 ∈ (S 1 ) ∩P 0 u .
4. Given that A is separable, by definition, the lower-maximal partition of
A consists of ideals. We have A = ∪ j=1 I j . By Lemma 2.17 u belongs to
only one of these ideals, say {u} ∈ I s . Thus, for any j 6= s,1 ≤ j ≤ k,
I j ∩P u = ∅. On the other hand, since Φ is factorizable, the lower maximal
partition of I s ∩P u consists of disjoint ideals and thus P u ∩A is a separable
Interestingly, the property of being factorizable has an alternative charac-
terization that is of a more local nature:
Definition 2.32. We say a fully-exclusive set system Φ has the diamond prop-
erty if for any S 1 ,S 2 ∈ Φ such that S 1 ∩S 2 6= ∅, then it holds that S 1 ∪S 2 ∈ Φ.
We prove the following:
Theorem 2.33. A fully-exclusive set system Φ that is an ideal satisfies the
following: Φ is factorizable if and only if Φ has the diamond property.
Proof. Theorem 2.33 Suppose that Φ has the diamond property. We will prove
that Φ is factorizable by showing that for any ideal I and any atom u ∈ I, the
lower set P u inside I, i.e. I∩P u , is a separable set. Consider the lower-maximal
partition hM 1 ,...,M k i of I ∩ P u and suppose the converse is true, I ∩ P u
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