Cryptography Reference
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We claim that for any v = 0,...,t
|p 1 −p 2 |≤ 2ε 1
We next prove the claim. Consider the following key indistinguishability
adversary for some parameter v. B 1 follows the structure of the experiments
Exp 1 ,Exp 2 . It first provides as output the index j[w]; this would be the key
that will be attacked for key indistinguishability. Following the game-based
definition, B 1 receives the keys of all users that are outside of S j[w] as well
as it is given oracle access to encryption and decryption for any key j that
corresponds to a subset of S j[w] . B 1 proceeds to simulate the challenger and
the adversary A as in Exp 2 . Based on the key material that is available to
B 1 , it can perform the simulation without di culty except when the adver-
sary decides to corrupt a user u ∈ S j[w] . In such case B 1 fails and returns
0. This completes the description of B 1 . Based on our assumption about key
indistinguishability we know that |Prob[Exp key−ind
B 1
(1 n )] −1/2|≤ ε 1 .
We observe that Prob[Exp key−ind
B 1 (1 n )|b = 0] = 1−p 1 . This holds as the
only seeming difference between the way B 1 operates in the conditional space
b = 0 and the experiment Exp 1 is the event when a party in S j[w] is corrupted.
In this case B 1 returns 0. For the same event in the experiment Exp 1 we
observe that the end condition will force also a 0 output. In a similar fashion
it holds that Prob[Exp key−ind
B 1
(1 n )|b = 1] = p 2 . Based on this we obtain the
proof of the claim.
We next claim that for any v = 1,...,t,
|p v−1
−p 2 |≤ 2ε 2
We prove the claim. Consider the following CCA1 key encapsulation ad-
versary with a parameter v. B 2 follows the structure of the experiment Exp 2 .
To break the security claim of the underlying symmetric encryption scheme
( E , D ), B 2 , is given access to encryption-decryption oracle of the primitive. B 2
has also access to the decryption/encryption under a key k that is unknown
to her. She is then challenged with plaintext-ciphertext pair (c,m 1 ) for which
either c = E k (m 1 ) or c = E k (m) for some random message m that has the same
length with m 1 . She is asked to test if the pair is a correct plaintext-ciphertext
B 2 will simulate the experiment Exp 2 . B 2 will focus its attack on the key of
the j[w]-th subset. In the initial stage it will simulate A as in the experiment
Exp 2 by answering all queries except those that involve the j[w]-th subset
that will be answered by the encryption and decryption oracle available to
B 2 . In the second stage, B 2 will be given the challenge (c,m) where either
m is the proper plaintext of c or it is randomly selected. B 2 will prepare a
challenge for A in the security game Exp 2 by setting the v-th location of the
challenge ciphertext with c and the remaining positions from v+1,...,s with
the appropriate encryptions of m as dictated in the revocation instruction ψ
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