Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
2.2.1 Security
In this section we will focus on proving the security of the template construc-
tion of broadcast encryption based on exclusive set systems. We will follow
the security modeling as expressed by Definition 2.2 . The overall security of
the scheme is based on the security of the underlying encryption scheme E k , D k
as indexed by a key k as well as the properties of the key assignment, i.e., the
way that the keys of user u are sampled by the KeyGen algorithm.
Key Encapsulation Mechanisms.
We require the broadcast encryption scheme to be capable of transmitting
a cryptographic key. We will ask that this same requirement should also be
satisfied by the underlying cryptographic primitive ( E , D ), i.e., a cryptographic
key should be encapsulated safely by the underlying encryption primitive.
We formalize the security requirement as the following game: for a random
choice of the key k, the adversary A can adaptively choose plaintexts and
see how E k encrypts them; similarly, is capable of observing the output of
decryption procedure D k . The adversary is challenged with a pair (c,m) for
which it holds that either c ← E k (m) or c ← E k (m 0 ) where m,m 0 are selected
randomly from the message space. The goal of the adversary is to distinguish
between the two cases. This models a CCA1 type of encryption security, or
what is known as a security against lunch-time attacks.
Experiment Exp kem
Select k at random.
aux ←A E k (), D k () ()
m 0 ,m 1 ←M; b ←{0,1}; c = E k (m 1 )
b 0 ←A E k () (aux,c,m b )
return 1 if and only if b = b 0 ;
Fig. 2.3. The security game of CCA1 secure key encapsulation for an encryption
Definition 2.5. We say the symmetric encryption scheme ( E , D ) is ε-insecure
if it holds that for any probabilistic polynomial-time A
Adv ke A = |Prob[Exp ke A = 1] − 1
2 |≤ ε
Observe that the above requirement is weaker that one would typically
expect from an encryption scheme that may be desired to protect the plaintext
even if it is arbitrarily distributed. We note though that the key encapsulation
security requirement will still force the encryption function to be probabilistic:
indeed, in the deterministic case, the adversary can easily break security by
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