Cryptography Reference
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a function in ({0,1} w×` →{0,1} ` ); we denote σ i (X) the i-th symbol of σ(X).
Based on the marking assumption, the strategy σ must satisfy the following
constraints (i) if x i = 0 it holds that σ i (X) = 0, (ii) if x i = w it holds that
σ i (X) = 1.
In the analysis we will use the notation C p (w,x) = x·C p (1)+(w−x)·C p (0)
with w ∈ N,x ∈ {0,...,w}. We next determine the random variable that
corresponds to the cumulative score assigned to a coalition of w users. We
` X
S σ =
(2·σ i (X) −1) ·C p i (w,x i )
Consider now some parameter α ∈ R + ; we are interested in an upper bound
of the expectation
e −α(2·σ i (X)−1)·C p i (w,x i ) i
` Y
E[e −αS σ ] = E
` Y
E[p x i (1−p) w−x i e −α(2·σ i (X)−1)·C p (w,x i ) ]
X∈{0,1} w×`
where the above follows from the fact that the columns are selected indepen-
We next provide a simplification on the domain of possible adversarial
strategies. Consider the equivalence class over the set of all matrices X ∈
{0,1} w×` such that X ∼ X 0 if and only if X and X 0 share the same column
Hamming weights. Consider now two matrices X 6= X 0 that satisfy X ∼ X 0
and a strategy σ for which it holds that σ i (X) 6= σ i (X 0 ) for some location
i ∈ {1,...,`}. We call such strategies “unorthodox.” On the other hand if
σ i (X) = σ i (X 0 ) for all X,X 0 with X ∼ X 0 and all locations i ∈{1,...,`} we
call the strategy “orthodox.”
Given a possibly unorthodox strategy σ we construct an orthodox strategy
σ 0 as follows: for each equivalence class Q of ∼ we consider the value:
` Y
E[p x i (1−p) w−x i e −α(2·σ i (X)−1)·C p (w,x i ) ]
If X ma Q is a class representative that matches the above maximal value, we
define for all X ∈ {0,1} w×` the new strategy σ 0 (X) = σ(X max
) where Q is
the equivalence class of X.
Lemma 1.22. For any α ∈ R + , given any coalition strategy σ, the strategy
σ 0 defined above is an orthodox strategy that satisfies E[e −αS σ ] ≤ E[e −αS σ 0 ].
Proof. It is easy to see that σ 0 is orthodox as for any X it returns σ evaluated
on a single representative of the class of X. The bound on the expectation
follows easily from the choice of the class representative made.
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