Cryptography Reference
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Consider the first traitor u that belongs to T∩users(v,v 0 ) and is selected
in line 3 of Figure 5.11 . We have that the number of boxes produced will equal
to l−1 + s−1 + A u , where l−1 is the number of nodes in the ⊥-path from
v to the junction for the u-path and s is the number of nodes in the u-path.
It is immediate that the height of the node u 0 as defined in the theorem's
statement based on u will be exactly l + s − 2; it follows that the number
of boxes contributed by traitor u will be height(top f (u 0 )) + A u . Based on the
way the makeboxes procedure works, the same exact argumentation applies
to theremaining traitors in T∩users(v,v 0 ).
This completes the argument on the number of boxes the MasterBox
of Figure 5.11 produces. We denote this number by K. We next prove by
induction on k that if Equation 5.1 holds, i.e. k < K, then we obtain:
Prob[B k+1 (Encrypt(ek,m,ψ k )) = m] ≥ σ
where B i ← MasterBox(1 t+log n ,i) and ψ k is the revocation instruction
produced by SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···,B k ,σ).
(i) Base case with k = 0: as there is no pirate box other than B 1 we have
ψ 0 = ψ. Denote the first box produced by makeboxes(Steiner(T,v,v 0 ),f) as
B 1 where (v,v 0 ) is a pair of nodes such that users(v,v 0 ) ∈ ψ. Since the ⊥-path
of the Steiner tree starts with v and ends with v 0 , the box will be of the form
SDBox(v,v 0 ,u) for the traitor u whose traitor path is the shortest path hanging
off the ⊥-path. It is immediate that Prob[B 1 (Encrypt(ek,m,ψ 0 )) = m] ≥ σ.
(ii) Induction assumption for some 0 ≤ k < K −1: We assume that
Prob[B k (Encrypt(ek,m,ψ k−1 )) = m] ≥ σ
holds for ψ k−1 = SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···,B k−1 ,σ).
(iii) Induction step: We have two cases; either the pirate decoders B k and
B k+1 are generated subsequently in the same batch of a call of makeboxes
on some Tree, or B k+1 is the first output of a new call while B k is the last
output of a previous call to makeboxes.
The first case: Suppose that B k and B k+1 are produced by the key of a
traitor u ∈ T whose traitor path is the shortest path hanging off the ⊥-path of
the Tree. Note that if the ⊥-path = hv 1 ,...,v m i for some m, then Tree would
be of the form Steiner(T,v 1 ,v m ).
Let us suppose that B k = SDBox(x 1 ,y 1 ,u) and B k+1 = SDBox(x 2 ,y 2 ,u)
for some nodes x 1 ,y 1 ,x 2 ,y 2 . The induction assumption along with the defin-
ition of SDBox yield the fact that users(x 1 ,y 1 ) ∈ ψ k−1 . Due to the evolution
strategy given in Figure 5.11 observe that the set users(x 2 ,y 2 ) is a subset of the
set users(x 1 ,y 1 ) and we have that users(x 2 ,y 2 ) ∈ SDDisable(ψ k−1 ,B k ,σ).
Next we observe that ψ k = SDDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···,B k ,σ) is equal to
SDDisable(ψ k−1 ,B k ,σ) due to the way we define the successive revocation
over a sequence of pirate decoders. Hence we obtain users(x 2 ,y 2 ) ∈ ψ k . Recall
that B k+1 = SDBox(x 2 ,y 2 ,u), the definition of SDBox completes the final
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