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To understand the way merging can be applied in the context of the subset
difference method consider the following simple lemma.
Lemma 5.12. Let v x ,v c 1 ,v c 2 ,···v c d ,v y be any sequence of vertices which oc-
cur in this order along some root-to-leaf path in the tree corresponding to the
subset users(v x ,v y ). Then users(v x ,v y ) = users(v x ,v c 1 )∪users(v c 1 ,v c 2 )∪···∪
users(v c 1 ,v y ).
Proof of Lemma 5.12 : users(u,v) is defined as a set difference A\B and
users(v,z) is defined as a set difference B \ C for some sets of leaves that
satisfy C ⊆ B ⊆ A. The sets are clearly disjoint, and their union is A \ C
which is the definition of users(u,z). Using that simple observation, one could
say users(v x ,v y ) = A \ B, users(v x ,v c 1 ) = A \ A 1 , users(v c k ,v c k+1 ) = A k \
A k+1 , for 0 < k < d, and users(v c d ,v y ) = A d \ B such that B ⊆ A d
A d−1 ⊆···⊆ A 1 ⊆ A. Thus, the telescoping formula for set differences yields
the desired result.
Using the above, whenever the partition contains a series of subsets
{users(v x ,v 1 ),users(v c 1 ,v c 2 ),···,users(v c d ,v y )} they can potentially be merged
using Lemma 5.12 into one single subset users(v x ,v y ). We denote the disabling
algorithm, that employs a compaction algorithm to merge subsets if possible
on top of GenDisable, by SDDisable. Some care is needed : in general,
merging will occur whenever it is allowed based on lemma 5.12 with the fol-
lowing exception: S j 1 will not be merged if the partition contains another
subset S j 2 such that they have resulted from a split of a single subset at
an earlier iteration of the Revocation procedure (without this restriction
the Revocation procedure may enter an infinite loop). More explicitly we
present the algorithm in figure 5.7 .
SDDisable(pattern ψ, pirate box B, σ)
if Prob[B(Encrypt(ek,m,ψ)) = m] < σ then break
ψ 0 = Revocation(ψ,B,σ)
Construct new ψ by merging all subsets of ψ 0
that belong to ψ∩ψ 0 using lemma 5.12 .
until break
output ψ
/* ψ is a pattern that disables B */
Fig. 5.7. The algorithm that disables a pirate decoder applying the improvement
of lemma 5.12 to the GenDisable algorithm of figure 4.1 .
We now present an evolving pirate strategy based on the forest of Steiner
trees {Steiner(T,v x ,v y ) | users(v x ,v y ) ∈ ψ} by walking on the paths of Steiner
trees that will be predefined according to a scheduling of traitors. Unlike our
evolving pirate strategy for the GenDisable algorithm, we are focusing on
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