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SD method are represented by pairs of nodes. We, first, recall the structural
definitions for the Subset Difference Method.
The receiver population corresponds to the set [n] and can be thought to
be placed on the leaves of a full binary tree. We define an index for each node
in the binary tree in a top-down manner similar indexing as in the Complete
Subtree method: the root of the binary tree is encoded by (the empty string),
an index of a left child is constructed by appending '0' to its parent's index
while an index of a right child is constructed by appending '1' to its parent's
index. An encoding j ∈J SD is a pair of strings (x,z) where the concatenated
string xz has a length at most log n with the length of z is at least 1. Denoting
the node corresponding to the string y by v y for any y ∈ {0,1} i such that
0 ≤ i ≤ log n, we let S j to be the set of users/leaves in the subtree rooted at
v x but not of v xz where j = (x,z).
We next define the function
users : {(v x ,v y ) | x,y ∈{0,1} s.t. |x|,|y|≤ log n}→ 2 [n]
such that users(v x ,v y ) = S (x,z) if there exists a string z that satisfies y = xz
and |z|≥ 1 otherwise users(v x ,v y ) returns emptyset. Observe that the inverse
function users −1 (S j ), for j ∈J SD , returns the pair of nodes encoded by j. Since
S j is somehow related to a tree, we still use root(S j ) to output v x provided
that j = (x,z). We finally, enhance the definition of Steiner tree as follows: we
say the Steiner tree Steiner(T,v x ,v y ) is the minimal subtree of the binary tree
rooted at v x , excluding the descendants of v y , that connects all the leaves in
T∩users(v x ,v y ) as well as node v y .
We illustrate the Subset Difference over 32 users in Figure 5.6 . In this
figure, we picture the set of revoked users R (the black leaves) and the set
of traitors T = {T 1 ,T 2 ,T 3 ,T 4 } (the squared leaves). The pair of nodes, con-
nected with an edge, correspond to the subsets in the broadcast pattern that
is resulted by Steiner(R, [n]), which equals to Revoke(Φ SD ,R) where the al-
gorithm Revoke of the set system Φ SD outputs the revocation instruction
that encodes the set R.
Fig. 5.6. Subset difference method example with set cover and a set of traitors.
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